We offer full service solutions to meet all of your needs
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Trust your data is safeguarded with our enhanced security protocol. We have an intrusion prevention system to prevent any unauthorized entry to your network. Third party security service providers perform ongoing vulnerability assessments. We use the strongest available industry standard firewall for your data protection, and 2-Factor Authentication can be set up.
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All of your data is hosted on Microsoft Azure cloud for the highest level of security and reliability. Data is backed up daily, weekly and monthly. Servers are securely located domestically.
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To be proactive to customer needs, Insignia Software develops every feature of Insignia products in- house. Advanced features such as Z39.50 Client and Server, LDAP, EDI, SIP II, SSO, and NCIP compliance are all developed in-house. The backend database for all Insignia products is Microsoft SQL Server 2019+ and the user interface is developed in HTML5 and .NET
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Insignia provides project management services in accordance with industry standards to ensure successful implementation of the Insignia Library System. The Project Manager is the main point of contact during this implementation and until you are satisfied with the project. Thereafter, your team contacts the Insignia Technical Support Team once the project is signed off.
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Data Conversion
We will ensure your data transition is as smooth as possible. Insignia has experience converting data from nearly every library provider on the market, and can also provide data cleanup services during migration.
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Each instructor-led session consists of a combination of a lecture followed by a hands-on session for
the attendees. After training, staff can perform essential tasks. Training sessions consist of a very
detailed overview of all modules of your choosing.
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Updates & New Releases
Updates are provided without additional cost based on your preference and schedule. Your approval is required for a system update to occur. Updates and enhancements could include new features, new reports, and easier navigation. Releases are made public every quarter and customers requesting an update are provided with release notes and a list of their resolved issues. Release Notes are accessible from within your Insignia product’s Help menu and are searchable by version number, module, and keyword.
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Seamless Integrations
We understand the importance of connecting you to the third-party products and services that you use to provide the best experience to the end user. We will integrate with any vendor, provided they have the capability. Please see some examples of our partners below; note this list is non-exhaustive and always being updated.
We are committed to providing integrations that are as seamless as possible for the user and is limited only by the integration options that the third parties provide. A few of our standard protocols include SIP II, NCIP, Z39.50 client and server, Z39.70, EDI, and 9xx.
Version: 0.1.3
204-1074 103A ST SW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada